We love local artists!

Email us at with the following information to submit your art for our Downtown or North Side location today!

We typically have 1-2 artists a month that each take their own wall areas to display their art. If you have enough art to fill the whole shop and want to request a solo show we can make that happen. Please be patient as we have many requests and only so many months in a year. Thank you for your time and thanks for sharing!
1.  Who the heck are ya? Tell us about yourself

2. Have you shown your art at Penny Lane before?
3. How many pieces do you want to display?
4. We only sell art with your Venmo, Cash App or Paypal. When someone wants to purchase they come to us with it and we give them your info to buy. Do you have those apps? *It’s not required to sell your art to display it.

5. Would you need assistance hanging your show?
6. Please share your phone number, and website if you have one. Thank you!